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Curriculum Vitae
Work experience
Working abroad
Knowledge & skills


In a course where learning mainly depends on seeing and experiencing, it is indispensable to go on
tour and visit places. Besides your own initiatives it is a good opportunity if you take part in excursions 
to get to know more about gardens, landscapes, plants and animals that you usually don't find right 
around the corner and which are explained by university staff. 
During my studies I took part in the following tours:

More excursions and visits

2nd semester: Plant sociological training, Harz mountains, Germany

In Junei 2003 the university was organising an excursion of several days to the Store Mosse national park in Sweden,which should make the participants appreciate the special features of the flora and fauna of the Swedish moor. While hiking through the impressive landscape of the national park a lot of different typical plants and animals were introduced to us and far away from developped places we had the unique opportunity to enjoy real nearness to nature.

Outdoor lectures
Drosera rotundifolia


6th semester: Store Mosse national park, Sweden

Historic gardens as subject of the preserving part of landscape architecture have been destinations of tours to the St. Michaelstein Abbey Garden in Blankenburg (Harz, Germany) as well as to Berlin. There we were guided through the real picturesque garden of the famous artist Max Liebermann at the Wannsee, could have a look at the park outside the fateful House of the Wannsee conference and last but not least at the famous avant-garde Hufeisensiedlung (horse shoe estate) by Bruno Taut in Berlin-Britz.

6th semester: Excursions to historical gardens

A golf yard and other sport centres were destinations in the course of „Sports grounds construction“. Moreover we have been taken to places with special local features like dry meadows and rocky grounds to get to know a wider spectrum of plants.

Independently, we were organising private tours for example to the „Bundesgartenschauen“ (Federal Garden Shows), to famous parks like the „Gartenreich“ around Dessau, the „Englische Garten“ in Munich or the „Wilhelmshöhe“ in Kassel. A special three-weeks-journey following my work experience in Birmingham lead to great gardens along the English and Welsh coast.


The objective of the two-days tour in June 2001 was to deal with the determination of plant societies that differ from the ones in the Bernburg area. At the same time we could improve and intensify plant and botany knowledge.