Knowledge & skills
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Work experience
Working abroad
Terrace in middle of 30's
Reconstruction of former design
The last work that was created during my studies should be the first work to be presented here:
My diploma thesis is the peak in professional as well as in graphic respects.
Knowledge of the garden restoration and design field came together to develop a new concept for the garden
of the so called Villa Paris in Halle/Saale.
Components were research in history  about the 
house and the garden, a inventory-taking and a complete
survey as well as different comparisons and analysis. 
As the results there were three drafts which are based on
the first design of 1930 but without losing sight of future

The pictures show the necessity of diving down into history
as a base of the further development of a historic garden.
The reconstruction of an image of the former garden was
only possible by analysing old pictures, a simple garden 
plan of 1936 and small hints that are still visible today.

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-Thesis I-

Curriculum Vitae
