Work experience
Besides the 13 weeks of work experience required in advance of the study and besides the main internship in the 4th semester I took several additional practical trainings in horticulture. I also had a number of profession related jobs in landscape practices and at the Anhalt University,where I could broaden my work experience in the field of landscape architecture but also in landscape planning: The following list is a summary of my experience:
- 2002: 20 weeks internship at planerzirkel H. G. Kleymann, Halle/Saale, Germany
- 2003: approx. 4 weeks CAD Technician at planerzirkel H.G. Kleymann, Halle/Saale, Germany
- October 2005-June 2006: collaboration at Kleine+Kleine, Halle/Saale, Germany
- since September 2006: collaboration at Ark Design Management, Sheffield, UK
- 2003/04: 5 month research project The Bauhaus exteriors in Dessau
- October 2005- March 2006: Bilingual assistant at the MLA-programm (German-English)
- 2000/01: 13 weeks experience at Baumschulen Schauer und Söhne, Halle/Saale, Germany
- 2003: 4 weeks working at Staudenkulturen Bremermann, Wiefelstede, Lower Saxony, Germany
- 2004: 4 weeks experience at Birmingham Botanical Gardens & Glasshouses, Birmingham, UK
- 2004: 13 weeks internship at Kylemore Abbey & Garden, Kylemore, Irland
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (more...)
Horticulture (more...)
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